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Don’t Let Back Pain Derail Your Summer!

June 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — willschiroteam @ 8:12 pm

Ah, summer. The perfect time for family get togethers, road trips, outdoor fun and maybe even some work around the house and yard. But if you’ve ever had back pain, then you would be wise to take precautionary measures to ensure that your plans aren’t sent off track by your back! Here are some ways to avoid injury and a few treatment ideas from a chiropractor. 

Take It Easy

Whether you are trying a new sport while on vacation or doing some honey do’s around the house, take it easy. Moderate your sports activity to accommodate your back. And be sure to stretch before and after a workout. 

Around the house and yard, be careful when you need to lift something heavy. Squat and lift with your legs, not your back. And if the object is just too weighty or awkwardly shaped, get someone to help! You want to finish projects around the house and not have to abandon them because you’re laid up with an aching back. 

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Are you planning a trip away from home this summer? No matter what mode of transportation you use to get to your vacation destination, you’ll probably need to be seated for some time. If you’re driving, try to stop and stretch your legs every hour or two. On an airplane, you can do leg exercises in your seat—rotate your feet at the ankles, for example, or pull your knees up toward your chest one at a time. And depending on how long the flight is, you may want to walk up and down the aisle a few times, too. 

Treatment for Back Pain

Whether you are currently in pain or you want to do something proactively to prevent it, a chiropractor will help. Your chiropractor can recommend a treatment plan that may include any number of therapies. There are spinal adjustments, rehabilitative and stretching exercises and other therapies to help relieve your pain. The idea is to ensure your mobility and normal function so you can enjoy your summer plans without needing to take pain relievers and other medications. 

Don’t wait for pain to strike. Contact a chiropractor today and schedule an appointment. A fun summer is waiting for you, so don’t let back pain stop you from enjoying the good times! 

Meet the Doctor

Dr. Wills is a chiropractor in Naples, FL. No matter what the season, he offers chiropractic treatments, therapeutic exercise, weight loss and management, soft tissue therapy and strengthening and rehabilitation to help his patients. To get in contact with Dr. Wills, click here.

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