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Lower Back Pain Above the Buttocks? Know the Possible Causes and Solution

September 27, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 1:40 pm
person holding their lower back in pain

Throughout the body, your organs and other parts are designed to alert you with pain if they experience a problem. You get a stomachache when you have indigestion. Your ankle swells and hurts when you sprain it while playing a sport. However, sometimes, the source of the pain isn’t this clearcut.

For instance, if you have lower back pain just above your buttocks, the cause isn’t always obvious for the average person. In this post, you’ll learn some of the reasons why you may be experiencing this symptom and how your chiropractor can help.


What to Do about Lower Back Pain If You Can Barely Walk

August 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 4:36 pm
man with lower back pain because of lifting a box

You know you shouldn’t have tried to carry that heavy box by yourself, but you thought you could handle it. Now, you have debilitating lower back pain. In fact, you find it difficult and painful to walk at all! What exactly are your options for dealing with this situation? What should you do if you can barely walk because of your lower back pain? Keep reading to learn some actions you can take.


How Can a Chiropractor Help You with Weight Loss?

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 3:19 pm
woman holding a tape measure around her stomach

Losing weight—it’s something you seriously want to accomplish. To help you achieve your goal, you try to eat healthily, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and drink lots of water. But did you know that visiting the chiropractor may also help you on your journey? Here are ways chiropractic treatment can affect your weight loss!


See the Signs: How to Tell If Your Back Pain Is Serious

July 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 8:50 pm
closeup of a man holding his back in pain

Unfortunately, many severe medical conditions often come with simple symptoms. For example, COVID-19 patients can report many of the same symptoms as those who have a simple cold or the seasonal flu. It can be challenging for you to determine whether you should seek attention from a qualified professional.

Like many other symptoms, back pain can be something to be concerned about or not worth worrying much about at all. How can you tell if your back pain is serious? Here are four signs that you’ll need to work with your chiropractor or physician.


4 Steps to Avoid Mistakes in Diagnosing Lower Back Pain

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 8:47 pm
chiropractor touching the patient’s lower back to diagnose

Thanks to Google, WebMD, and other online resources, many patients out there believe they can self-diagnose. However, when you have lower back pain, the list of potential underlying problems is very long! In other words, you could easily make a mistake in diagnosing the issue yourself, prolonging your pain or even making it worse.

Here are four steps you need to take to avoid mistakes in diagnosing lower back pain.


Crack! What Does That Sound Mean During a Chiropractic Adjustment?

June 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 6:45 pm
patient getting a chiropractic adjustment

Most of the time, when you hear a cracking sound, it’s not a good thing. Whether it’s a crack of thunder, glass breaking, a broken bone, or something else, the moment you hear it can be unsettling to say the least. However, there’s one situation where a cracking sound shouldn’t cause concern—in the chiropractor’s office during an adjustment.

In this post, you’ll learn what goes on during a chiropractic adjustment, what that sound means, and why frequent adjustments are beneficial.


Just for Pampering or Therapeutic? 4 Serious Benefits of Massage Therapy

May 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 2:09 pm
patient getting a therapeutic massage

When you woke up, you knew immediately that you wouldn’t be able to move your neck. As long as you keep still, you’re fine, but turning your head brings substantial pain. Although the last thing you want is someone messing with your neck, you visit your chiropractor. In addition to performing adjustments on your neck, they recommend adding massage therapy to your treatment plan. You’re all about self-care, but you don’t have time to visit the spa!

But is massage therapy therapeutically beneficial or is it just for pampering? Keep reading to learn why you should consider working with a massage therapist for more than just a relaxing day at the spa.


What a Pain in the Neck! How to Tell If Neck Pain Is Muscular

April 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 4:25 pm
man sitting at a desk with neck pain

The human body is a complex system, and sometimes, it can be challenging to know the cause when something isn’t working right. After spending hours sitting at your desk at work, your neck hurts and feels tight, but is the problem muscular or could it be indicative of something else? In this post, you’ll learn how to tell and what you should do about neck pain.


Relax! 5 Ways to Calm Down the Sciatic Nerve

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 4:24 pm
person holding their upper leg with sciatic nerve pain

At first, you think maybe you’ve strained a leg muscle. After some research on your own, you think the pain in your leg and buttocks could be associated with your sciatic nerve. What exactly can you do to get relief from this nerve pain? How can you relax a compressed sciatic nerve and not become debilitated by it? Try these treatments!


Power Plate Training Instead of Exercise? Figuring Out Who Benefits Most

February 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 5:59 pm
young woman exercising on a power plate

You know you should exercise regularly to lead a healthy lifestyle, but since your knee injury, it’s been difficult to last very long before the pain brings your workout to a screeching halt. How can you be active when traditional exercise is painful or too physically challenging?

While visiting your chiropractor, you learn about Power Plate training, a cutting-edge technology they offer. But what exactly is this training? How will it help you in this situation? Could it replace exercise completely for everyone? Get answers to these basic questions in the content below.

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