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Fix Back Pain with Rehab

March 23, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — willschiroteam @ 9:23 pm
low back pain

Unfortunately, if you experience low back pain, then you are not alone. Millions of people share your pain. Many have simply resigned themselves to back pain as a part of life and therefore choose not to pursue any type of treatment. However, a chiropractor offers a number of therapies that are proven to help lower back pain. In addition to chiropractic adjustments for initial relief, there is also strength and rehabilitation therapy for long-term maintenance. 

Rehab for Sustained Back Pain Relief

The truth of the matter is that most cases of low back pain are relatively mild and go away on their own. However, if you are among the population that has lingering pain—or pain that comes and goes over the years—then the discomfort can be severe. And it’s not only a matter of comfort, but back pain may cause you to miss work or social engagements and it can lead to stress—which is often a contributing factor of back pain in the first place!

For people with chronic back pain, strength and rehabilitation therapy can significantly lower the severity and length of time that you experience discomfort. Rehab can help you avoid low back pain through:

  • Targeted strengthening and flexibility exercises
  • Training to lift, bend and sit properly
  • A safe and effective exercise program designed to improve your overall health and well being
  • Spinal manipulation
  • Ice and heat treatments

Exercise is Key

For low back pain in particular, doing the right kinds of exercises and strength training as part of an overall exercise regimen can be very important and effective. A few simple exercises can go a long way toward taking pressure off of the back and keeping it strong and healthy. 

If you are experiencing back pain now, or if you’ve dealt with it in the past and want to avoid another episode, contact a chiropractor. Not only will you likely find fast relief from the agony of low back pain, but you will also be instructed how to maintain a healthy back through strength and rehabilitation therapy. Treating back pain is a long term pursuit and usually can’t be solved in just one appointment. Get started today!

Meet the Doctor

Dr. Wills is a chiropractor in Naples, FL. He helps patients suffering from back pain and offers strengthening and rehabilitation along with soft tissue laser therapy, chiropractic treatments, and therapeutic exercise. To contact Dr. Wills, click here.

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