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Don’t Let Back Pain Ruin Your Summer Plans

June 20, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — willschiroteam @ 8:48 pm

man golfingSummer is the time for family vacations, outdoor activities and maybe even a few home improvement projects. If you’ve experienced back pain, however, then you need to take a few precautions so your aching back doesn’t put fun plans on hold. Follow a chiropractor’s helpful tips to avoid back pain and injuries this summer.

Take It Slowly

Summer is the perfect time to start a new exercise routine—just be sure to build up gradually. Start out with a little activity and then add more. And don’t forget to stretch before and after a workout.

A similar approach should be taken with jobs around the house. You don’t need to finish everything in a week! Do a little bit each day—your project will be completed and you won’t end up flat on your back for the rest of summer.

Give Yourself a Break

Whether you are working indoors or outside, be sure to stay well hydrated and take breaks. And don’t over do it. If you’re feeling fatigued, take a break. Also, back support can be very helpful when you’re doing yard work or any kind of heavy lifting inside the home.

Don’t Wear Flip-Flops

We know flip-flops are the official shoe of summer, but the truth is they aren’t even shoes! Flip-flops provide very little support for your feet, which can lead to back pain after a few hours of walking in them. If you are going to be doing any amount of walking, choose more supportive sandals or sneakers. Save the flip-flops for around the house and pool, or for a quick walk to the beach.


If you love golf, then you must protect your back if you want to play the entire season. Golfing can produce injuries to the low back and spine usually because of muscle sprains and strains.

But you also must be aware of the potential harm that carrying a golf bag can cause. The weight of the bag and the clubs is just too heavy for most people to carry along the course. Also, carrying the bag on one side of the body compromises your posture, thereby putting your back in misalignment. Use a cart or a wheeling golf bag instead.

On the Road Again

If you’re planning a driving or flying vacation, then you may be seated for hours at a time. Stop the car every hour or so to get outside and walk. On a plane, try to get an aisle seat so you can stand or walk to relieve pressure on your back.

Back pain doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying the best of summer. See a chiropractor for more specific tips to keep your back in shape.


Meet the Doctor

Dr. Wills provides chiropractic care in Naples, FL. For pain management, he offers chiropractic treatments, therapeutic exercise, weight loss and management, soft tissue therapy and strengthening and rehabilitation. To get in contact with Dr. Wills, click here.

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