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Who Should (and Shouldn’t) Use Power Plate

January 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 9:01 pm
various women using Power Plate

Every now and then, a fad diet or piece of exercise equipment will hit the market with huge claims. After a couple of years, some fall flat while others prove to be effective. Vibration exercise on a Power Plate, which vibrates 25 to 50 times a second, has been around for a while now, and it generally has significant positive results.

However, like most health-related treatments, vibration exercise isn’t something everyone should do. Keep reading to learn who should and shouldn’t use Power Plate and why it is a relatively safe product.

People Who Shouldn’t Use Power Plate

As beneficial as vibration exercise can be for most, it’s not right for everyone. In fact, here are examples of those who should pass on Power Plate:

  • People with severe diabetes at an increased risk of falling.
  • People with head injuries, dementia, or epilepsy.
  • Women who are pregnant.
  • Patients who have recently had an orthopedic injury like a sprained ankle or worse.
  • Patients who have particular cardiovascular issues.
  • People recovering from a recent operation or surgery.

For various reasons, the vibration caused by the Power Plate can be harmful for these groups, which means they shouldn’t try to use this kind of exercise.

How Vibration Exercise Could Be Risky for the Brain

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With medical studies showing adverse effects of continual vibration on the brain in those who are exposed to it on a daily basis like truck drivers or workers who use jackhammers, some have worried that Power Plate could present a similar risk. However, keep in mind that occupational vibration is sustained for hours day after day. In contrast, vibration exercise on the Power Plate usually lasts 30 minutes three days a week at most. Plus, the rate or power of the vibration is substantially lower with vibration exercise.

The infrequency of this treatment means that most people, aside from those with brain injuries or conditions, are eligible for vibration therapy without long-term negative effects.

People Who Are Good Candidates for Power Plate

Supposing you don’t fit into any the groups mentioned above, vibration treatment may be helpful for achieving fitness and wellness goals, particularly if you:

  • Are older.
  • Are a post-menopausal woman.
  • Have osteoporosis or weak bones.
  • Are obese or overweight.

Vibration therapy is a great place to initiate becoming active again. In fact, combined with a balanced, low-calorie diet, Power Plate vibration can help people lose weight, rebuild bone tissue density, and gain strength in various muscle groups.

Although not every person should jump onto a Power Plate, as long as you are not in the at-risk category, you most likely could benefit from vibration exercises, but just to be sure, you should talk to your care provider and make sure it’ll be a good, productive experience for you.

About the Author

Dr. Chad Wills at Wills Chiropractic is proud to provide Power Plate vibration training as a treatment for his Naples patients. He uses this equipment in conjunction with chiropractic care, helping patients strengthen muscles and bones without impacting joints. If you have questions about vibration exercise, you can contact Dr. Wills by calling 239-331-6060 or visiting our Contact Us page here.

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