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Signs That Back Pain Is Taking Over Your Life

March 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 4:50 pm
man with back pain who can’t enjoy life

Do you have chronic back pain or a back injury? Unfortunately, this type of problem can take over your life and prevent you from enjoying the little things. You may even notice these four signs!

Instead of letting back pain take away from your quality of life, resolve it with your chiropractor so you can get back to doing what you love.

You Take Pain Medication a Lot

Everyone needs to take pain medication to deal with a headache or other ailment every now and then. However, it shouldn’t become a regular part of your routine. Even if you only take over-the-counter pain reliever for your chronic back pain, all medications can take a toll on your body.

Plus, you can become accustomed to the dose and strength, which can lead to increases over time and potentially lead to prescription drugs. Rather than temporarily getting rid of the symptom, you should deal with the source of the problem with a chiropractor.

You Use Cold or Warm Therapy Often

Little aches and pains become more common as you get older, but if you find yourself using heat pads or cold compresses frequently to mitigate them, it’s a clear sign that back pain is taking over your life. Applying heat or cold to your back can take up valuable time—15 minutes on, 15 minutes off repeatedly—but it can also limit what you’re able to do during this process. As a result, you could be stuck on the couch or in bed instead of doing what you like to do!

You Don’t Exercise Regularly

You’ve heard the tired, old saying, “no pain, no gain,” meaning you are supposed to push yourself in order to get better athletically. However, exercise shouldn’t hurt! Unfortunately, back pain can make even the smallest movements too painful to continue.

Without addressing the problem, you can have more “rest” days and avoid being active altogether for long periods of time, which can lead to a host of health problems and make it harder to get back into regular exercise.

You Sit on the Sidelines

While those around you are willing to try a new adventure, are you hesitant because of your back pain? You could be missing out on making new memories with loved ones and having fun as a result.

By visiting with a chiropractor to work on your back pain regularly, you can be more open to life’s experiences and enjoy different things that can enrich your life rather than watch others have a good time without you.

If your back pain is interfering with your enjoyment of life, it’s time to do something about it! Reach out to your chiropractor and start living today.

About the Author

Dr. Chad Wills takes advantage of many of the newest techniques and technology available in addition to tried-and-true protocols. For instance, he uses cold laser therapy to help repair joints and tissues, and he is certified in chiropractic biophysics, the most studied protocol in the field. Whether you’ve been in an accident or simply suffer from chronic pain, you can contact Wills Chiropractic and schedule an appointment by visiting our website or calling our Naples office at 239-331-6060.

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