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3 Reasons Rehabilitation Is Important After an Injury

February 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 5:04 pm
female patient doing rehabilitation

With access to the whole world within seconds on your phone, instant gratification may have made you a little impatient. As a result, it can be frustrating when something takes longer than you expect or would like it to take. For instance, if you injure your back, you may wish it would heal with just one chiropractic visit, but chances are that you’ll need to undergo multiple treatments.

If you really want to see improvement, you should go through rehabilitation as well, which your chiropractor can also provide. In this post, you’ll learn a few reasons why it’s important and how it can help you recover.

Rehabilitation Is a Gradual Process

After an injury, you may occasionally forget that you’ve hurt yourself and try to go about your day as usual. On the other hand, you may feel hesitant to use that area of your body for fear of experiencing pain. In either case, recovery takes time, and while you’re trying to heal, you shouldn’t push yourself beyond what you can handle.

Rehabilitation is a lot like exercise—it is not a one-time treatment. You start out slowly or with not too much weight or too many repetitions. Every session, you may add more, challenging yourself without extending passed your abilities.

Having a professional there with you to monitor your progress and understand where you are can help you achieve the perfect balance as you continue rehabilitation.

You Reinforce Proper Alignment

Most of the time, back injuries occur when the spine or joints are not aligned the way they should be. When done correctly, rehabilitation exercises and stretches help your body “remember” how it should function and line up. Through repeating positive habits and movement, taught by a qualified chiropractor, you can not only recover from injuries but also learn correct, healthy posture.

You Strengthen Your Muscles to Avoid Future Injuries

Some people think that the recovery process consists only of taking it easy or resting. However, research shows that inactivity can prolong healing or increase the chances of reinjury. Physical activity and stretching are necessary while you’re recuperating, and these healthy habits should be continued afterward. Think of rehabilitation as the first step toward strengthening your body. When your body is strong, limber, and active, it can more easily adapt to situations, lowering the risk of injuring yourself again in the future.

In the end, although you may want to recover as quickly as possible, you need to go through rehabilitation according to your body’s timetable. Be patient with yourself, your chiropractor, and the process, and you’ll find yourself making little improvements every day.

About the Author

At Wills Chiropractic, Dr. Chad Wills encourages patients to pursue an active lifestyle. In addition to chiropractic adjustments and therapies, he also offers rehabilitation in his Naples office. He is one of only two chiropractors who is certified in Chiropractic Biophysics, the most studied protocol in the field. To learn more about our rehabilitation services, you may contact our office by calling 239-331-6060 or visiting our Contact Us page here.

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