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Proper Sitting Posture: For Formal Events and Everyday Work

July 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 3:40 pm
diagram showing proper sitting posture

When you hear the word “proper,” chances are you think of a pompous, arrogant person scolding you about slouching. Or perhaps you think of your parents reminding you to sit up straight at the table. Now as an adult, you don’t necessarily have someone telling you how to sit—but your back is doing just that by hurting! To avoid another lecture, keep reading to learn why proper sitting posture is important, how to have it, and how your chiropractor can help you!

Why Posture Matters

Practicing proper sitting posture isn’t just a prim manner that you should learn for formal situations. Posture also affects you physically. For example, when your neck and upper back muscles hold your head forward for a long time, they can get tired, tight, and painful. Slouching your shoulders causes your spine to curve in a way that it’s not designed to, which can put pressure on certain nerves. As a result, you can experience back pain, neck pain, tingling or numbness in your arms or hands.

What Good Sitting Posture Looks Like

When you sit, especially for long stretches of time, your feet should be flat on the floor with your legs at a 90-degree angle. Your shoulders need to be in line with your back, not slumped forward. Your back should be perpendicular to the ground, and your head should remain directly above your collar bone.

Correcting Your Poor Posture

Believe it or not, the best way to start addressing your poor posture is to meet with a trusted chiropractor. Not only can they teach you how to sit and stand to take the pressure off your spinal nerves, but they can also perform chiropractic adjustments to facilitate and expedite your healing.

Next, you need to implement healthier posture into your lifestyle. If possible, make your workspace more ergonomically friendly, such as an adjustable desk and a comfortable, supportive chair. Set the computer screen at the appropriate height so that it is at eye level or just below your straight line of sight.

Because you’re human, you may find yourself resuming poor posture. It can be a tricky habit to break! Every now and then, you should take a quick break to stand up, walk around, or at least reset yourself. Doing this on a consistent basis will retrain your body to stay in good posture throughout the day.

In the end, your parents had your best interests at heart when they told you to sit up straight. Whether you’re going to a formal event or just sitting down to work, you can start to have proper sitting posture now, giving you relief from your back pain.

About the Author

Dr. Chad Wills owns and operates Wills Chiropractic in Naples, FL. He has more than 20 years of experience, and he is one of only two chiropractors in the area that is certified in Chiropractic Biophysics. He takes pride in helping patients achieve healthier lifestyles and relieving pain every day in his practice. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Wills, you may contact us online or call 239-331-6060.

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