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How Can Diet and Exercise Help with Back Pain?

February 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 2:54 pm
woman holding healthy food and weight to help with back pain

At this point every year, millions of people who made the resolution to be healthier slowly give up and resume their usual bad habits. Especially if you have back or knee pain, it can be easy to justify not working out or eating poorly. However, maintaining a healthy diet and being active can actually combat pain! Keep reading to learn how making these lifestyle changes permanently can help you feel your best and how chiropractic care can also help.

How Your Diet Affects Back and Knee Pain

You may already know that what you eat affects several systems in your body. Poor diet can lead to indigestion, heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions with serious consequences. However, did you know that the foods you choose to ingest can also help or hinder your efforts to relieve pain?

Excess sugar and processed foods cause inflammation not only in the digestive system but throughout the entire body. Inflammation is one of the major reasons behind pain in the back, knees, and other joints. By reducing your intake of these harmful foods, you help keep inflammation under control and help your body function as optimally as possible.

How Exercise Affects Back and Knee Pain

At first, it seems logical to assume that the more you rest and don’t use the areas of your body that hurt, the better they’ll feel. While this may be true in the short term if you badly injure yourself, the truth is that it’s important to keep moving! In fact, being active can help you overcome back and knee pain because exercise strengthens your muscles around these areas.

When these muscle groups are utilized often, they can better stabilize your spine and joints, helping you avoid situations where you experience pain. You may still have little aches and discomfort every now and then, but it should be much easier to deal with when you’re active.

How Your Chiropractor Can Help

Even if you eat correctly and exercise often, you may still feel some back pain due to other causes. Your chiropractor can perform adjustments that release tension and ease your body back into ideal alignment. They may also provide services such as cold laser therapy, which can help with inflammation and pain as well!

Unlike some other types of care providers, chiropractors typically support and advocate for medication-free, surgery-free solutions. They are wellness experts and can help you develop healthy habits in your overall lifestyle. For example, they can teach you stretches to do to keep your back and other muscles loose.

Although cutting out bad foods and moving more often may not solve all your back pain problems, it’s a great place to start. For times when the back pain persists, you have a chiropractor who can relieve your discomfort and get you back to feeling your best.

About the Author

Dr. Chad Wills has been a practicing chiropractor for more than 20 years. During his career, he continues to stay updated on the most innovative technology, including the use of cold laser therapy. In his practice, Wills Chiropractic, he focuses on overall wellness and enjoys helping patients find relief and have happier, healthier lives. Do you need help with back pain? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Wills by contacting the office at 239-331-6060 or online here.

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