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New You in 2022: How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Your Health Goals

January 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 8:42 pm
active people who got help with back pain from working out

As soon as the ball dropped on New Year’s Eve, you set some important goals. This year, you’re going to get your health back on track. You’re going to eat healthier, spend more time being active, and maybe even shed a few extra pounds. You expect to feel some muscle soreness from working out, but you soon experience a different kind of pain, one without gain.

How can you keep working toward your fitness goals if you are injured? How can a chiropractor help you recover from back pain from working out or other injuries? Keep reading to find out!

Treating Injuries

Although you may think you need to rest in order to recover, you don’t have to let injuries keep you from reaching your goals. If you get hurt, your chiropractor is a great resource to turn to for assistance. Here are just some of the injuries they can treat and help you recover from.

Low Back Pain

One of the most common injuries from exercise occurs in the lower back. Whether you’ve pulled a muscle or have a herniated disc, the pain in your back can be unbearable and stop you from being physically active.

Your chiropractor can provide realignment in your spine as well as other joints through specialized adjustments. Pressure is then taken off the right nerves, which relieves your discomfort and allows you to continue working toward your health goals.

Tennis Elbow or Carpal Tunnel

Not all sports or fitness injuries happen along the spine; some occur in the extremities because of repetitive motions and inflammation. Fortunately, your chiropractor can help with those too!

Tennis elbow, which affects more than just tennis players, leads to numbness or pain in the forearm, shoulder, or even the neck. When certain actions with your hands are repeated often, such as using a mouse or lifting weights, the nerve near the wrist can become restricted, causing tingling, a pins-and-needles sensation, numbness, or pain in this area.

Regardless of where you feel the pain, chances are that your chiropractor has treatment that can reduce your discomfort and encourage the body to heal itself.

Preventing Injuries

Did you know that chiropractic visits can actually help you avoid getting injured in the first place? You don’t have to wait until something hurts to see a chiropractor. In fact, they can teach you exercises and stretches that improve your flexibility, stability, and strength, helping you stay active without injuring yourself.

As you strive to become a healthier, happier version of yourself this year, it’s okay if you need help along the way. Your chiropractor can be an important member of your support team, there for you to relieve your pain and restore optimal function.

About the Author

After about 20 years of clinical experience, there are few injuries Dr. Chad Wills hasn’t seen and treated. He is certified in Chiropractic Biophysics, which is the most studied treatment protocol in the field. He specializes in relieving pain and helping patients achieve a healthy lifestyle. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Wills, you may contact Wills Chiropractic, which is located in Naples, online or by calling the office at 239-331-6060.

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