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Shoot! Ways Your Chiropractor Can Help with Sports Injuries

February 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 5:41 pm
injured basketball player

You always loved playing basketball when you were a kid. Maybe you even played back in high school and still enjoy a pick-up game with your friends. Now you have a teen who seems to be following in your footsteps. As a parent, you naturally want them to excel, have fun, and, of course, not get hurt as they play.

When they do get an injury (because all athletes do at some point), you know that you’ll take them to a medical doctor for initial treatment. But have you considered also taking them to see a chiropractor for additional support? Read on to learn more about how this specialist can help them recover and even stop injuries from happening in the first place.

What Sports Injuries Can a Chiropractor Treat?

Chiropractors specialize in realigning joints throughout the body, especially along the spine. These areas include the neck, back, shoulder, knee, wrist, and ankle. As a result, they are capable of reducing pain from the following injuries:

  • Sprains (i.e., when ligaments are stretched too far or torn) and strains (i.e., when muscle or tendons are torn).
  • Knee injuries, including “runner’s knee,” damage to cartilage or ligaments, and tendinitis.
  • Achilles tendon injuries.
  • Shin splints or pain along the shin bone.
  • Joint dislocations.
  • Acute bone fractures.
  • Repetitive motion injuries like carpal tunnel or “tennis elbow.”

These injuries often involve soft tissue damage and inflammation, which can complicate the healing process.

How Does a Chiropractor Treat Sports Injuries?

Depending on the issue, your chiropractor can administer several treatments, including a spinal adjustment, rehabilitation therapy, and even laser therapy. During your first appointment, they’ll fully assess the injury and the rest of the body to ascertain which treatments can help your athlete recover the most efficiently and effectively. By keeping their joints properly aligned, the body gets better circulation, which reduces inflammation and leads to better healing.

How Can Visiting a Chiropractor Help Prevent Sports Injuries?

You don’t have to wait until your child has already experienced an injury to benefit from chiropractic care. In fact, regular visits can help their body stay in proper alignment, improving function and decreasing the odds of injury in the future. During these appointments, you can also learn stretches, exercises, and other tips for preventing injuries. That’s why you should consider visiting a chiropractor before your teen starts their sports season.

In the end, you may not be able to shield your teen from injury entirely, but you can do much more than just watch from the stands and hope that they don’t get hurt. By taking a preventive approach and seeking chiropractic care after an injury, you give your child the best chances of a quick recovery and a lifelong love of being active.

About the Author

Dr. Chad Wills has been a practicing chiropractor for more than 20 years. He enjoys helping patients achieve a healthier lifestyle through being more active. He offers therapies that can benefit athletes after injuries occur, facilitating and speeding up the healing process. At Wills Chiropractic, he welcomes athletes of all skill levels and ages and finds satisfaction in helping athletes prevent getting injured. If you have a sports injury, you can contact Wills Chiropractic on our website.

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