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Mother Knows Best—Fix Your Posture to Avoid Back and Neck Pain

October 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 6:09 pm
man who needs to fix bad posture

Don’t slouch. Sit up straight. You remember your mother’s admonitions well. It may have felt like nagging at the time, but this advice is actually essential now that you’re an adult. Your posture is about much more than how you look—it can affect your quality of life! In this blog post, you’ll learn how to recognize bad habits, the importance of good posture, how to sit properly, and how to fix your posture.

Symptoms of Bad Posture

Unless someone tells you or you look in a mirror or at a picture of yourself, you may not realize that you have bad posture. If, however, you experience the following symptoms, you may need to evaluate how you sit or stand:

  • Low back pain.
  • Tension headaches.
  • Tension in shoulders and neck.
  • Pain in jaw muscles or joint.

Although you can easily slip into bad habits while you’re sitting or standing, it’s important to correct these habits so that your body can function optimally.

Benefits of Good Posture

In addition to avoiding the negative consequences of bad posture, standing and sitting with the proper posture allows for better circulation, digestion, and lung capacity. Research also suggests that good posture can increase your confidence, which could come in handy especially in a professional setting.

What Good Posture Looks Like

When you’re sitting or standing with good posture, your spine, head, and joints are all stabilized in a comfortable and healthy balance. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your hips, and your legs should be at a 90 degree angle with your feet flat on the floor. Keep your shoulders back and your ears positioned in line with your collarbones. If you struggle to see your computer screen, see if you can reposition the screen or zoom in to make it more visible without needing to lean in closer.

How to Fix Bad Posture

Changing the way you’re used to sitting or standing requires consistent effort. Throughout the day, you may find yourself leaning forward to see your screen better. About every 30 minutes, check and reset your posture. Make sure you take frequent breaks to stand up and walk around. If you’re unable to step away from your desk, take a minute every now and then to stretch your back and neck.

In many cases, the journey toward good posture starts with a visit to your chiropractor’s office. Not only can they help adjust your spinal alignment and relieve any neck and back pain you may already be experiencing from bad habits, but they can also teach you simple stretches and exercises you can do to alleviate future pain.

The next time you pull up your chair to your desk, keep your mother’s advice in mind. It just might help you avoid having a head or back ache. By making small changes in your habits, you can experience less pain and enjoy life more!

About the Author

Dr. Chad Wills is an experienced chiropractor who has been practicing in Naples for more than 20 years. He is certified in Chiropractic Biophysics, which is a distinction that only two chiropractors in the Collier and Lee counties have. He is proud to offer rehabilitation services as well to help patients achieve wellness and implement healthy habits into their lifestyle. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Wills, you can contact Wills Chiropractic by clicking here.

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