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Sit Up Straight! Reasons to Keep Proper Posture

June 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — willschiroteam @ 7:42 pm
woman with bad posture

If you’re like most kids, at some point growing up, your parents or teachers told you not to slouch multiple times. They may have also said that your face can get stuck if you cross your eyes too much. As you’ve become an adult, you realize that some things grownups told you simply aren’t true. Although you can cross your eyes as much as you want without fear, they were absolutely correct about the importance of maintaining your posture. In this blog post from your chiropractor, you’ll learn four reasons you should keep your back straight.

Look More Put Together

Let’s face it. The slouched position is unattractive, plain and simple. Hunched over shoulders and having the neck pulled forward do not display the human body in the best way. In a work environment, this position can be particularly distracting. It can make you look sloppy, unprofessional, and stressed. A straight, healthy posture shows that you’re in control of your body and your state of mind.

Breathe More Easily

Every organ of your body relies on oxygen in your blood in order to function optimally. If your diaphragm and rib cage are compressed due to poor posture, your lungs will not be able to fully expand and bring in as much oxygen as they otherwise could. As a result, physical exertion can become much more difficult, and you can feel more tired or run down. On the other hand, a straight back allows your lungs to supply plenty of oxygen to your body, helping you feel energized.

Keep the Spine Straight

When you maintain a healthy spinal alignment, your brain is able to communicate easily through the entire central nervous system. This delicate system affects not only your back, neck, and head, but all your joints and appendages as well. Bad posture interferes with nerve communication, often causing pain or tingling sensations throughout the body. Conversely, a straight spine helps to prevent discomfort from the nerves connected to your spine.

Reduce Stress on Your Body

Improper posture places excessive stress on certain joints, ligaments, and other areas of your spine. Over time, this stress can increase your chances of developing arthritis, chronic headaches and pain, and other conditions as you age. Although regular chiropractic adjustments can alleviate some of your pain, lasting relief won’t be possible without correcting bad posture habits.

Even though your parents weren’t right about crossing your eyes, they were right to encourage healthy posture early on. In fact, the sooner you correct bad posture, the less damage and stress your spine will be subjected to over time. However, you’re never too old or too young to learn proper posture and get your spine realigned with a chiropractor.

About the Author

With more than 20 years of clinical experience, Dr. Chad Wills is a highly respected chiropractor in Naples, FL. He is certified to treat scoliosis with advanced training in scoliodracina and has studied chiropractic biophysics. He is more than happy to help patients learn proper posture and help them relieve back and neck pain. If you would like to schedule an appointment at Wills Chiropractic, just click here.

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