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Have a Headache? See Your Chiropractor for Relief

April 18, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — willschiroteam @ 7:20 pm

woman with a headacheHeadaches are a pain. Literally. Almost all of us have experienced one. People get different types of headaches, too. Some are stress related. These are often called tension headaches. On the other hand, migraines can be brought on by stress as well as certain triggers such as a specific type of food, weather, lack of sleep and flickering lights. No matter what kind of headache you’re prone to have, know that your chiropractor can help.

What is a Tension Headache?

By far, a tension headache is the most common. For most people, a tension headache consists of a constant dull pain on one or both sides of the head or behind the eyes. Others describe the feeling as wearing a tight headband.

Tension headaches can build up gradually, and may last for minutes or even a few days. They are often the result of stress or bad posture that impacts the spine as well as muscles in the neck and upper back.

What is a Migraine Headache?

More women than men suffer from migraines, which are intense and throbbing headaches. And there may not only be that terrible headache, but also nausea, vomiting, light-headedness, and sensitivity to light and sound. These headaches can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

People who have migraines often know when one is about to happen. They experience something called an aura right before an attack. This aura is a visual symptom that many describe as flashing lights or blurred vision.

Treating Headaches with Your Chiropractor

Researchers believe that headaches may be caused by a misalignment, or subluxation, in the spine. Nerves and muscles can become irritated and inflamed when vertebrae are misaligned. Chiropractic adjustment corrects the misalignment so vertebrae are in place, and pain, stiffness and irritation disappear.

Furthermore, regular chiropractic adjustments may also help reduce the frequency of headaches. Poor posture may play a role in the development of tension and migraine headaches. If you work at a desk and spend several hours a day seated in a chair hunched over a keyboard and computer screen, then you are likely straining your neck and back muscles. This may increase the chance of spinal misalignment that can lead to headaches.

Taming Headaches with Lifestyle Changes

In addition to seeing your chiropractor, you may also need to make lifestyle changes. For instance, if you sit at a desk all day, be sure to take breaks at least hourly so you can move around and stretch a bit. You may also want to look into working at a standing desk.

For migraine sufferers, take notice of when you have headaches. You may begin to see a pattern in foods, sleep and exercise that are linked to the onset of a migraine.

For chiropractic treatment of headaches, call the office today.

Meet the Doctor

Dr. Wills provides chiropractic care in Naples, FL. For pain management, he offers chiropractic treatments, therapeutic exercise, weight loss and management, soft tissue therapy and strengthening and rehabilitation. To get in contact with Dr. Wills, click here.

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